How far does Uber or Lyft go?

Uber Uber does not set a maximum distance for each ride. The company does inform riders and driver-partners that each ride may be ended after four hours. Driver-partners are informed prior to the four-hour mark to bypass ride termination as necessary. Uber also limits each driver-partner to 12 hours of consecutive operation that could limit long-distance trips. Lyft Lyft limits each […]

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How does uberPOOL/Lyft Shared work?

Uber and Lyft encourage carpooling to common drop-off spots through uberPOOL and Lyft Shared. These ride types are designed to carry passengers to the same destination from the same pickup location. Each ride is completed in a sedan, SUV, or minivan with space for up to four passengers. The apps limit each party to two passengers to accommodate […]

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Can Uber or Lyft pick up at airports?

Regulations on airport pickups and drop-offs by ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft vary from state to state. The companies list more than 100 airports in the United States where they are allowed to operate. These airports include major international airports in New York City, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and Chicago. Lyft lists eight airports in the Canadian province of Ontario that allow ride-hailing services, while Uber […]

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Can I request a stop on Uber or Lyft?

Uber: Uber touts the option for riders to add three stops to each ride. Riders start by adding their last stop when requesting a vehicle. A plus sign next to the last stop space can be clicked to reveal two additional stop spaces. After adding these stops, the Uber app updates the map with driver-partners available […]

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Can Uber or Lyft driver get a mortgage?

Lenders typically consider Uber and Lyft income as secondary income when processing mortgage applications. Drivers typically list additional work or income from spouses or partners to qualify for mortgages.

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What expenses can Uber or Lyft driver deduct?

Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors who operate as sole proprietors for tax purposes. This tax status means that a driver incurs self-employment tax and pays Social Security and Medicare taxes typically paid by employers. Drivers should keep track of all expenses incurred while driving for Uber and Lyft to reduce their tax burdens. All of the […]

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What cities have flat Uber or Lyft airport rates?

Uber and Lyft add airport rates on each trip from airports to comply with local regulations. These rates are comparable to the rates applied to traditional taxi companies. There isn’t a standard rate charged by Uber and Lyft because the rates are dependent on local regulations. By looking at a few examples, you can find out […]

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Is Uber or Lyft cheaper than a taxi?

Uber and Lyft tend to be cheaper than taxi services regardless of location. You can compare services in San Francisco, Minneapolis, and Atlanta to confirm this conclusion. In San Francisco, the average taxi ride from the San Francisco International Airport to Fisherman’s Wharf is $51.40. The same ride with Lyft is approximately $38, while Uber estimates a $40 fare for this trip. A taxi […]

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