The act of opening Uber or Lyft and requesting a ride is very simple for passengers. The driver modes of both apps are also designed to make the driving experience as simple as possible. Uber and Lyft have poured years of research and design into turning complex processes into simple interfaces. The core element of both apps is an algorithm that matches riders to drivers while weighing several factors.

When a rider requests a trip, the algorithms used by Uber and Lyft kick into gear. The algorithm takes into account the rider’s location and drivers actively using the apps to select the best match possible. This process is complex because a rider can select from different ride modes with varying availability. Uber and Lyft apps also automatically prevent riders from being assigned to drivers who have given them low passenger ratings. The algorithms also use optional features like a driver’s location preferences and traffic to inform matching decisions.

Once a ride is completed, the fare is automatically calculated based on current rates and the particular details of the trip. The apps allow ratings of drivers and passengers to inform future matching decisions. Uber and Lyft provide support by customer service professionals in case there are problems that cannot be corrected by the apps. Examples of when these support functions might be necessary include a rider who was charged an unnecessary fee or a driver who has an unsafe experience with a passenger.


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